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Writer's pictureTim Ahlman

Overwhelmed by Grace: Finding Rest and Joy in Jesus

I’m overwhelmed…in a good way…mostly. 

When the word “overwhelmed” gets used, I believe it is most often used in a negative context. 

“I have too much going on at work. I’m overwhelmed.”

“My family is too busy. So many activities. My calendar is so full. I’m overwhelmed!” 

“Ministry just keeps coming at me. It never stops. I’m overwhelmed.” 

I can relate to this…a little bit. 

I recently stepped into a meeting with one of our directors. He went rapid fire, giving me updates on things we’ve worked on together and he’s taken deeper since our last chat. I had just returned from a couple of days off, and it took a second for my brain to catch up. There were so many conversations and emotions buried in his bulleted update. Honestly, almost everything he said was good…but there was just so much. I was overwhelmed. 

There are two primary definitions for “overwhelmed.”

1. To defeat completely.  This is what my Denver Broncos have done to a number of NFL teams this year.

2. To give too much of a thing to someone. I think this is what I experienced with my director. It wasn’t his fault. I just was not ready for all of it. 

I actually need to be overwhelmed. By Jesus. I need Jesus to defeat me of me—completely. More of Him, less of me. Better yet, all of Him, none of me. I’m crucified in Christ. He is alive in me. 

I love being overwhelmed by Christ. My love for Christ then leads me to “give too much of a thing” for the sake of Christ’s mission.

Recently more of my friends have been checking on me. I’m grateful. Some of their questions sound like this, “Tim, are you okay? You’ve been doing a lot lately. I don’t know how you do it, but I want you to know I’m here for you.” I can’t tell you how much this means to me. I would be completely negatively overwhelmed if I didn’t have friends. I think you would be, too. 

I’m overwhelmed in a good way. I pray you are, too. 

I’m overwhelmed that Jesus would use me, you, us to expand His Kingdom!

I’m overwhelmed at all of the stories, way beyond me, that I get to hear and tell about how Jesus is at work in the world and through His Bride, the Church!

I’m overwhelmed at new expressions of people striving to bring God’s never-changing Word and the forgiveness of sins through the Sacraments to people who are on their way to Jesus. 

I’m overwhelmed and my heart often feels like it swells to three times its natural size (thank you, Grinch). 

I pray you’re overwhelmed this Advent season. I pray if you’re overwhelmed negatively that you’ll tell a friend(s). We all need friends. Hear Jesus speak, “Come to me, all who are weary and overwhelmed. Come to me and find rest for your soul.”

I pray that if you’re overwhelmed positively you’ll tell a story…tell His story. Jesus loves you so much. 


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