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Easter Changes Everything: Reflecting on the Transformative Power of the Resurrection

Writer's picture: Tim AhlmanTim Ahlman

Easter changes everything. It is not cliché. It is true. Christ has been raised. By faith, you’ve been raised in Him. Death is dead. Sin is nailed to the cross with Christ. The Holy Spirit lives within and moves between you and the rest of the body of Christ. You believe this. Many of you preached the Crucifixion and Resurrection story boldly this week. Praise God for His immense love shown in the person and work of Jesus!

Easter changes your leadership perspective. At least it should.

Here are three perspective shifts for Resurrection-oriented Christian leaders.

Risk wisely.

Many Christian leaders are risk averse. They’ve experienced the wounds of past leadership failures. They’ve attached their identity to their failures. Maybe this is you. If so, hear the Gospel of Jesus for you.

Jesus rose. When Jesus returns, you will rise with Him. Why? Not because of how effective you were in your leadership, but because of faith that clings to the promises of Christ. Your core identity is not a leader or pastor—failure or success. Your identity is a baptized child of God, son or daughter of the risen King of kings.

Therefore, go, try, build a team, cast vision, dream new dreams, risk. You’ll never lead perfectly. Only Jesus did. Yet, you can lead boldly and wisely.

I’m not inviting you to “bet the farm” and mortally wound the ministry Jesus has entrusted to you. Risk wisely. Seek counsel. Plan, and then execute your “risky dreams” with the body of Christ. Ask for help from those who have gone before you.

Risk wisely. Jesus has risen from the dead!

Live with persistent joy.

Leadership is hard. It is easy to get grumpy. When you’re tempted to be grumpy, remember the empty tomb. When Jesus appeared to the women and His disciples, I can guarantee their faces were not downcast. I guarantee their hearts and faces lit up with joy.

Joy is the proverbial “Jesus fuel” that carries us through the inevitable trials of life and ministry. In this world, you will suffer, you will have seasons of sorrow, and you will know the effects of temptation and sin. Especially in difficult seasons, picture Jesus holding you, empathizing with and smiling over you while He says, “I’m here. I love you. I smile at you. Persevere with joy in your heart. I died and rose for you.”

Persistent joy in leadership is only possible because Jesus rose from the dead.

Multiply disciples.

The crucified and risen Jesus did not make disciples—He made disciple makers. The risen Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to start a multiplying movement of disciples making disciples. You’re a product of this movement, catalyzed by the risen Jesus.

The Book of Acts tells the story of the early church. They replaced Judas with Matthias. They raised up deacons to meet the needs of the local church. They identified physical and spiritual needs and released the church to share the Gospel with the world.

The twelve disciples could not accomplish this work by themselves. Duh. They had to discover, develop and deploy men and women for various roles within the cities and towns where they were sent. Just like Jesus had done, so they did. The Holy Spirit led the way.

Multiplication of disciples leading to the largest global religion does not happen if Jesus stayed dead and buried in a Jerusalem tomb. Jesus rose and appeared to the women, the apostles, to Paul and to hundreds who witnessed the risen Christ. You believe. Jesus rose and so will you when He returns.

Until Jesus returns, risk wisely, live with persistent joy and multiply disciples of the risen Jesus. The days are too short to do otherwise.

Easter changes everything.

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1 則留言

Padre Dave Poedel
Padre Dave Poedel

Amen and thank you!

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